Got tagged by Ms Paul Lyn...(",)
001. Real name: Brenda Cher Mei Yee
002. Nickname: Brandy, Brendaniee, BaBren(=.=), BaBrenda...LOL(dont ask abt the names, it was given by one of my friend)
003. Married: Haha...what do you think?? Of coz NO la....still want to enjoy being single first before I get serious...^^
005. Male or female: Female.
007. Highschool: GRC! :)
008. College: Not yet, actually now also can, but soon!!^^
010. Short or long hair: Hmm...not short and not long....hehe
015: Are you a health freak: Not really....
016. Height: Haha...dont know
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Who doesnt right?? XD
018. Do you like yourself: Of coz I like myself...if you dont then why are you here for??
019. Piercings: Yuup..
021. Righty or lefty: When I was young, its righty, but now a lefty...^^
022. First surgery: Nope, never had one...
023. First piercing(s): two.
024. First bestfriend : Hmm, cant remember her/his name...
025. First award: I cant really remember...its during kindergarden
026. First sport you joined: Captain Ball....
027. First pet: Rabbits...i have 2, but now dead coz my cousin accidently poke its nose with an umbrella and it fell out...not joking seriously...
028. First vacation: Cameron Highlands...when I was still in my mum's stomach...its considered right?? Hehe...
029. First concert: Cant remember...too many
030. First crush: Hahaha...when I was in primary though....still very young...
049. Eating: Nothing...
050. Drinking: Water...
052. I'm about to: Finish this tag...
058. Want kids: Hmm, of coz...I love them...they're so cute, except sometimes when they really get naughty...
059. Want to get married: Do you want to?? Of coz I do!!
060. Careers in mind: far, I think I want to be a musician...but who knows what going on in the future right?? Only God does..
068. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
069. Hugs or kisses: Both!!
070. Shorter or taller: Taller...
072. Romantic or spontaneous: Hmm...both
074. Sensitive or loud: Both..
075. Trouble maker or hesitant: Neither one...
078. Kissed a stranger: No...yuck..
079. Drank bubbles:
080. Lost glasses/contacts: I dont wear glasses...
081. Ran away from home: Nopee..
082. Liked someone younger: Hahahaha....yea, but it was coz I thought he was older than me, but after that I found out that he is younger than me...hehe
083. Liked someone older: Yeap...
084. Broken someone's heart: Haha...dont think so...
085. Been arrested: Nopee....i'm very good wan^^
087: Cried when someone died: Yea, my dad's parents...
088. Liked a friend: Yeap...
089. Yourself: Yea....
090. Miracles: Definitely....
092. Heaven: Of coz I do....
093. Santa Claus:, they're only in movies...
096. Angels: Yes, God sent His angels to protect and watch over us...
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yea...very much....
099. Do you believe in God: Of coz...He's my Father in heaven...
100. Tag 5 people: Hmm...Brandon, Ai Theeng, Jon Ti, Crystal(cousin), Sabrina...just simply put only la, also dont know if they'll really do this anot...