Monday, September 17, 2007

Bali pics~~~(",)

The Bali Musicians....

Err....dunno what to call?? Dragon?? Its horrible to me...haha(cultural dance show)

The Monkey....

The two dancers....
This horrible!! (observe the long hair and the color)

Tada!! Haha....he just came back from the saloon!! He prefer darker, haha!!

The cows....know what the tour guide said? He said the cow wears pampers and socks on all four legs. Know why? Coz their legs are white and also their butt. Lol...lame eh??

Where we had our was really cold, like genting, but i think its colder here...

Where we had our lunch, this was behind the restaurant...very nice view, i mean if you really see the whole place, the view is very nice

Another pic taken in the same place...

After lunch, this is where we all went...nice view eh??

Me @ this place, very nice...same place as the above pic

Me and the beautiful flowers...

This is the view of the place, taken using my bro's phone
Thats it....for today. Still got alot more pics to upload, but i have to go sleep dy, so will upload the rest soon. Bye.....enjoy the pics, haha!! Lol....(",)

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